Wednesday, September 9, 2009

So You Think You Can GLEE

Well, well, well Wednesday night is my new favorite night of TV.  As anyone who knows Susan and me knows we LOVE singing and dance.   So You Think You Can Dance was good thankfully they focus more on the talented dancers then the ones that couldn't, at least tonight.   The tap dancers were amazing already two of my favs already can't wait for next week.  
Now on to GLEE . . .OH MY WORD!  I love this show.  It has everything, straight comedy, singing, bad student dancing and t.v. drama.   From Gold Digger which I downloaded on Itunes (good looking out Susan) to Take a Bow the songs were amazing . . . But the song of the show was Push It  . . . Call me old fashion but that took me back . . . Can't wait till next week 



  1. OMG! I LOVED Glee! Did you catch the guy in the wheelchair say holler?!?! Or, was it holla? Anywho, other than Shawn telling me he was in the 2nd (or 3rd) dimension of hell the entire time, I enjoyed every minute.


  2. Yes I did hear him...that was the best part of the song. They need to put that on Itunes or maybe I need to hit up Hulu and watch it all over again. As for Shawn he just needs to get use to it cause then next 13 weeks it will only get BETTER! Just wait till I come down and we watch it LIVE. Mwahahahaha!


  3. If you were here to watch it, Shawn would be cracking up (as would I). I think he secretly liked it, but refuses to admit it ;)

